Social Media Has No Filter For Your Feelings

I get it…Facebook asks you, “What’s on your mind?” Twitter asks you, “What’s happening? Instagram pretty much says, “Do you.” But do you have to?

Think of it like this. If you wouldn’t say or do it in public, then don’t say or do it on social media because it’s the same as doing it in public – only much worse. At least in public, only a group of people might witness your behavior, unless of course, someone records you. But when you take the liberty to post it on social media, you’ve been exposed to the whole world.

You can’t control other people’s actions, especially in a society where people seek an opportunity to catch someone off guard or in rare form for views, reactions, and shares. But you can control your own behavior, on and off of social media.

What’s your purpose?

Behind every post, there is a motive, whether it’s to share information, promote a product or service, get a reaction, seek advice or recommendations; for empathy, sympathy, entertainment, attention, and etc. However, you must understand that anything posted publicly welcomes comments – some you may like or dislike. Depending on how deep it is, it might go viral and trigger unfriendly memes.

You are not exempt from judgment in the cyber world. Trolls and bullies are standing by to disrupt your spirit. You thought it was safe to vent in your TikTok video or Facebook Live until the trolls gave you a rude awakening the next morning. Now you’re the poster child of an unfit mother or dead beat dad, savage single lady, or misogynistic male.

What you may have meant for entertainment might place you under attack, so beware. You do have every right to exercise Amendment #1 and post or upload content to your taste, but if you are a sensitive person, you should moderate your content and consider not posting it at all, especially if it’s personal.

Trolling and bullying are not cool, but some people live for this. If the site you’re posting on does not deem a person’s comment offensive, then you must train yourself to unsee it or be strong enough to just take. Or, you could spend countless hours debating and trying to defend yourself. If you have the time and energy, then go for it. But please leave your feelings on the bench because the trolls and bullies will show no mercy on the field.

Don’t take it personal, It’s virtual

Now that the trolls have remixed your message or content, you have two choices: you can either try to redeem yourself or just let it go. I suggest you just let it go because for one, it’s virtual. You can turn these people off at anytime by simply not logging on. It’s who you to let into your personal space that matters. For two, with so much going on in the world and new content being uploaded by the nanosecond, yours will soon be forgotten about. For three, people’s opinions do not define who you are. You do.

Words can hurt

Most people don’t post content to get a negative reaction, but that comes with it. You can try to pretend that the opinions of others don’t affect you, and it may not – until it hits that sensitive spot. We all have one. That’s what makes the whole ordeal unfair. People tend to attack you by bringing up points that have nothing to do with your argument. And that is when stuff starts to get personal.

You can combat all negative energy with positive content. Whether you believe it or not, your content says a lot about your character. If you don’t want to be judged by it, then don’t post it. It’s as confusing as a vegan posting a dish containing meat. You can’t promote eating clean with red meat on your plate. Do your cheating offline like everyone else😄.

We all have the freedom to do whatever we want to, so post whatever you’d like. Just be prepared for more than a “like”.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

Photo: Flickr. Social Media Prob by Clyde Harris

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A Message to My Followers

I’m taking a break this week because I’ve been inundated with preparing my youngest child for his high school graduation. It’s been a challenging journey, but I’m glad we’ve made it to the finish line.

I’d like to thank each of you from reading and engaging with my blogs. Your attention to my content is much appreciated. I hope I’ve helped you to overcome some obstacles in your life and become a better person, while keeping you entertained as well.


I want you to remember the lessons discussed in the previous weeks and apply them to your life, so I will provide a brief recap of a few of the hot topics.

Don’t Limit Yourself with your tongue, bad habits, distractions, and by making excuses. You don’t have to be a giant to reach for the stars. You just need faith, willpower, and commitment.

Don’t Lose Yourself Trying to Find Yourself. Seek help from a professional and comfort and support from trusted family members and friends. Otherwise, your coping mechanism will become a lifestyle that can destroy you.

Learn To Be Happy In That Moment or live with grief and regret. Practice changing your thoughts and making yourself happy. Doses of happiness can lead to a lifetime of joy and peace.

A Real Friend Is Good To Have when you find yourself losing yourself trying to cope with any type of grief. Don’t be afraid to let someone in. Emotional exhaustion is a “human” experience.

Fake Friends Can Be A Real Problem because they are toxic, and toxins are known to destroy the body. A fake friend is nothing more than a parasite eating away at your life. If you value your mind, body, and spirit, detoxify your circle immediately.

Self Correction Is The Best Remedy For Change because no one can control your demons but you. Rebuke the evil spirit that lives within you so you can become a better version of yourself.

Your Best Look Is Maturity because ignorance is not fashionable. Like it or not, you are judged by how you react, not what you react to.

Kill Them With Confidence because your self-worth, dignity, reputation, and peace hold more value than someone’s worthless opinion.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

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Why are Men Intimidated by Alpha Females?

My definition of an alpha female is one who exudes a striking confidence based on strength, values, purpose, and priorities. Her caliber, intellect, and acumen score high on the quality chart. describes the alpha female as “a powerful and successful woman , often in a leadership role. Alpha females are often described as intimidating by men and women alike.”

Aptitude + Attitude = Alpha

An alpha is not just a persona. It’s an attitude. Her demeanor is formidable, and her presence alone speaks volume. You can be a very successful and powerful CEO of a company getting abused or bullied by your significant other at home. Hence, that social strength and ability must transcend across multiple facets of life to be deemed an alpha female.

Titles such as queen, diva, baddie, or boss don’t make you alpha either, especially if you’re not living up to it. You are the one who can catch yourself when you fall (strength). You are the one who wants a man for companionship and love but does not need him to pay your bills (values). You are the one who finds your niche instead of a job (purpose). And you are the one who does not mix business with pleasure (priorities). All these traits make you powerful and successful, not just your job title or social status. You’re a leader in every role you play in life.

Why some males are intimidated by you?

The main reason could be that he may have insecurities. A woman of your caliber may make him feel insignificant and unworthy. When you make bread and are a winner, you’re a double threat. When you combine that with wanting him but not needing him, you become a triple threat. Your recipe is too strong for his taste because he feels as though he cannot complement you. Your strengths and abilities highlight his weaknesses and make him feel inferior. He may actually be your match, but your energy intimidates him. Your kind are usually unapproachable and impatient. Thus, his pickup line needs to be direct, original, and concise.

Alpha females, you don’t have to reduce yourself or lower your standards to find love. As long as he meets your requirements, learn to accept him at his current level, foster his plan, support his goals, let him lead, and provide guidance as needed. Most importantly, make him feel needed regardless if he’s a white or blue collar worker.

Qualified fellas, don’t let fear cause you to miss out on a great opportunity. She’s only protecting her throne. But make sure you rehearse those lines before bringing them to her table, and show no signs of weakness. Otherwise, she will surely reject you. Lastly, don’t be afraid to approach her in your work uniform because that is evidence that you are employed and socially responsible. If you can make her laugh or smile, that’s a plus!

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear them.

Submit topic suggestions using the “Contact Me” page.

Photo: Flickr by Ria Ledevre

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