Love Your Own Life

Why would you want somebody else’s life? You don’t know the sorrows and pain one’s life might bring. No one is exempt from facing trials and tribulations. If you haven’t faced them during your childhood, it’ll surely show up in your adulthood. If you’re lucky, you’ll have the pleasure of facing them all your life.

Some people do have glamorous lives and really do enjoy them, but you don’t know what they had to endure to get there. Would you trade your mediocre life with your soul mate for her lavish life purchased with her husband’s insurance money? Did you know that those trips come at the expense of taking trips to the clinic to treat cancer? Does your love for bling make you want to give up your wedding ring? You wish you could afford her wardrobe, but do you want her weight problem? Can you take all those punches to sip fine wine with celebrities? Would you trade your brother or sister’s life for temporary tangible things? Are you aware of the impact of not having a father may have had on that guy with the Benz and all those businesses? Could you handle a typical day of his? Do you ever imagine all the stress that comes from him working so much? When he does steal some vacation time, he deserves it. In the meantime, you just work your 8 to 10 hours a day and still get to visit your biological father on the weekends.

These are only a few of the many life situations. If life was so perfect for those you covet, people would be walking around wearing mismatched shoes because everyone wants something someone else has. If this wasn’t true, plastic surgeons would not have so much business, beauty supply stores would be out of business, Weight Watchers wouldn’t have so many commercials, Anytime Fitness would close at some point, celebrities would look just like us, and the word competition probably wouldn’t exist. Everyone is competing for something, whether it be money, power, respect, compliments, looks, love, or attention. What are you competing for and why? Is it for the betterment of others or the betterment of you? If an upgrade to your lifestyle won’t upgrade your role in society or your community, then you probably don’t need it any way. Everything of this world is ephemeral, but eternal life is forever.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

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Photo: Flickr. Happiness by Peter Parker

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Spare the Negatives, Share the Positives

Have you ever seen a beat-down that didn’t go viral? That’s because people love to be entertained, even if it’s negative. Most of the time, it involves women and teenagers. While we are shaking our heads and sharing, what are we doing to promote change in our communities? It is not until one of our own loved ones get murdered behind those kind of incidents that we decide to speak up and show out. But oftentimes, it starts on social media. If you recognize any individual in those videos who seems to be antagonizing the situation, you should not encourage it; in fact, you should find a way to address the problem. A simple conversation can go a long way. Quite often, the antagonist is an adult. That is totally unacceptable! People are behaving in this manner because they think it is okay. But I am here to tell you that it is never okay to showcase or promote a beating on social media. It does not matter who started it. No one deserves this type of humiliation. These kids are feeling like champions on the Internet, yet they feel challenged when taking a standardized test. As you can see, it still takes a village to raise children.

Women, we have got to do better. No college offers a degree in twerking, and having cat fights over men is not classy. Moreover, if your rear end is your biggest asset, you will surely retire broke. Twerkers, the time it takes for you to create and upload those senseless videos of you shaking your behind, you could be pursuing a career as a choreographer. You’ve got the fundamentals. Bad girls who love to fight, take that energy to the ring and make some money. Lela Ali never has to fight again. Booty and beyond, have you considered starting your own modeling agency? You could create a new category. You should even consider starting your own clothing line for curvy women like yourself.

Take a few minutes and assess your own behavior, so that you can see where you may have fallen through the cracks. It’s okay that you are not perfect. Neither am I. Even some plants lose their perfect shape over time, especially if they lack nutrition. Feed your soul with proper nutrition, and watch how things start to change in your life. In the meantime, spare the negative media, and share the positives. You may be helping someone without realizing it.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear them.

Submit topics suggestions using the “Contact Me” page.

Photo: Flickr. Fighting by DiscutivoCC

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