Why are Men Intimidated by Alpha Females?

My definition of an alpha female is one who exudes a striking confidence based on strength, values, purpose, and priorities. Her caliber, intellect, and acumen score high on the quality chart. Dictionary.com describes the alpha female as “a powerful and successful woman , often in a leadership role. Alpha females are often described as intimidating by men and women alike.”

Aptitude + Attitude = Alpha

An alpha is not just a persona. It’s an attitude. Her demeanor is formidable, and her presence alone speaks volume. You can be a very successful and powerful CEO of a company getting abused or bullied by your significant other at home. Hence, that social strength and ability must transcend across multiple facets of life to be deemed an alpha female.

Titles such as queen, diva, baddie, or boss don’t make you alpha either, especially if you’re not living up to it. You are the one who can catch yourself when you fall (strength). You are the one who wants a man for companionship and love but does not need him to pay your bills (values). You are the one who finds your niche instead of a job (purpose). And you are the one who does not mix business with pleasure (priorities). All these traits make you powerful and successful, not just your job title or social status. You’re a leader in every role you play in life.

Why some males are intimidated by you?

The main reason could be that he may have insecurities. A woman of your caliber may make him feel insignificant and unworthy. When you make bread and are a winner, you’re a double threat. When you combine that with wanting him but not needing him, you become a triple threat. Your recipe is too strong for his taste because he feels as though he cannot complement you. Your strengths and abilities highlight his weaknesses and make him feel inferior. He may actually be your match, but your energy intimidates him. Your kind are usually unapproachable and impatient. Thus, his pickup line needs to be direct, original, and concise.

Alpha females, you don’t have to reduce yourself or lower your standards to find love. As long as he meets your requirements, learn to accept him at his current level, foster his plan, support his goals, let him lead, and provide guidance as needed. Most importantly, make him feel needed regardless if he’s a white or blue collar worker.

Qualified fellas, don’t let fear cause you to miss out on a great opportunity. She’s only protecting her throne. But make sure you rehearse those lines before bringing them to her table, and show no signs of weakness. Otherwise, she will surely reject you. Lastly, don’t be afraid to approach her in your work uniform because that is evidence that you are employed and socially responsible. If you can make her laugh or smile, that’s a plus!

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

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Photo: Flickr by Ria Ledevre

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Published by

Bianca A. McCormick-Johnson

In short, I'm a work of ART (Aptitude, Responsibility, & Talent). My goal is to Attract, Retain, and Teach an audience between the ages of 14 to about 50 and beyond the disciplines of life. I've been blessed with the gift of giving knowledge and creating peace within the souls of many who are starving for spiritual satisfaction. I'm no prophet, but I do believe that I am one of God's chosen spiritual leaders and sources of information on how to walk a straight path down a crooked road.

3 thoughts on “Why are Men Intimidated by Alpha Females?”

  1. I am definitely an Alpha female but I come from two very strong parents so it was going to happen anyway. I have to be who I am because of the position that I am in. I lead and mentor so many young females and many of them, even though they are beautiful, tend to be broken internally as well. I do however, get help from my husband and several male business partners and male family members who assist in balancing my work load. They admire my strength and honestly state that they wish more females possessed the same characteristics. Being an alpha female may not fit all females in this particular lifetime though. Everyone is not meant to be the “boss” type. If there are too many chiefs and no Indians many times there is chaos but I admire those females who stand their ground and handle their business while still being humble enough to accept help when it is needed because being an Alpha female comes with a price and can sometimes be a tough yet necessary burden to bear.

    I accept my role as an Alpha female and others may see me as this type as well because in February of this year I hit the pages of “Alpha Magazine” which is a celebrity magazine that features not only the famous folks in the world but also men and women of high status within our local communities who do whatever it takes to get the job done,

    1. You are definitely right that everyone is not meant to be the “boss” type. We need that balance. Being alpha makes you formidable, but it also puts a lot of pressure on you to be able to to lead, encourage, and inspire while trying to manage your own stress.

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