What’s Your Purpose in Life?

Whether or not it has been discovered yet, you were born with a purpose. Purpose is your spiritual responsibility and service to society or the universe. Are you doing what you want to do or what you were called to do? It’s an important question because we were all given an assignment to complete before leaving earth.

Oftentimes, purpose is discovered within a gift. A gift is unique quality acquired naturally. Sometimes others see it in you before you do. Nevertheless, it’s up to you to cultivate it.

Gifts aren’t always as desirable as one would like, but they usually have the biggest impacts. For example, many preachers did not dream of serving in that way, but they bless so many people with their sermons and other religious or spiritual services.

In fact, using a gift to serve with purpose can actually become burdensome if you don’t know when and how to say no. You must also know when to take a break.

Talent can count as purpose as well. Though it may be a hobby for you, it can be a gift to someone else. For example, making wigs for cancer patients is a great way to serve with your talent. Cancer survivors like to switch up too. I know my deceased sister did. When she felt like having hair, she had a large collection to choose from, which was as beautiful as she.

Like gifts, talents can become burdensome when used to serve with purpose as well. An enjoyable activity can easily become a nuisance when it starts to feel like a job, and you’re not getting paid for it. That takes the fun out of it.

My husband refuses to monetize his passion for cooking or commit to a series of scheduled events. He does it out of pure love whenever it’s convenient for him.

If your purpose is also your passion and it’s paying, good for you! But if your purpose feels painful, then you should adjust your attitude about it and put the needs of others before pity.

Practice vs Purpose

What you practice could be your career or personal interest. It’s what you “choose” to do. I wouldn’t refer to a job as a practice because it may not be something you choose or like to do. It may just be something you must do to sustain a living or pay some bills until you get into your career.

You’re Special

You should never feel insignificant once you’ve discovered your purpose in life. No one else can do what you can exactly the way you do it. You are too unique and incredible to ever go unnoticed. Don’t be stingy with your gift. Share it with the world!

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

Something captured your interest? Don’t be selfish. Share with your friends!

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Published by

Bianca A. McCormick-Johnson

In short, I'm a work of ART (Aptitude, Responsibility, & Talent). My goal is to Attract, Retain, and Teach an audience between the ages of 14 to about 50 and beyond the disciplines of life. I've been blessed with the gift of giving knowledge and creating peace within the souls of many who are starving for spiritual satisfaction. I'm no prophet, but I do believe that I am one of God's chosen spiritual leaders and sources of information on how to walk a straight path down a crooked road.

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