The World Owes You Nothing, But You Owe Yourself The World

As long as you are breathing, you will face problems on Earth. But you must understand that you are not the only one with problems. The lower class have a hard time keeping bread on the table. The middle class have a hard time keeping bread in their accounts. The upper class have a problem with sharing their bread. Now while this may not apply to every individual from each class, it does apply to many oftentimes.

What does this have to do with me?

Everything. When you hit a brick wall with your finances, you tend to single yourself out as if it has only happened to you. You get in your feelings and begin playing the “blame game” so people can feel sorry for you and offer aid. But you tend to leave out how you brought much of your stress and frustration on yourself in some instances. People from all walks of life do have problems of their own. They’re just not airing it on social media or bogging you down with it. And it’s because they understand that they are not exempt from encountering problems. It doesn’t mean they are not affected by them either. They just deal with them accordingly so they don’t worsen. When you realize that each day has enough trouble of its own, you learn not to spend too much time on present-day problems. Like laundry, if you let problems pile up, the load will only get heavier. Lighten your load before you explode!

So how do I give myself the world?

By protecting your peace. More money won’t bring you peace. A new body won’t bring you peace. A new car or home won’t bring you peace. A new job or career won’t bring you peace. A new mate won’t bring you peace either. You get my drift? You’re responsible for your own peace and how you obtain that is by learning to effectively manage the problems in your life. You can face a problem in ANY aspect of life, and that problem will welcome unwanted stress if you let it.

“Stress kills and joy fills.” (I’m G.O.O.D. Getting Over Obstacles Daily, Vol. 1)

“Peace and joy are priceless because they secure happiness. Though they may seem elusive at dark times, they deserve the energy burned trying to obtain them. Your sanity is worth it. Otherwise, you’ll lose yourself in a battle that can leave you scarred for life.” (I’m Still G.O.O.D. Getting Over Obstacles Daily, Vol. 2)

Turn your problems into solutions and your pity into a purpose. Then you can enjoy a world full of peace 😊.

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Published by

Bianca A. McCormick-Johnson

In short, I'm a work of ART (Aptitude, Responsibility, & Talent). My goal is to Attract, Retain, and Teach an audience between the ages of 14 to about 50 and beyond the disciplines of life. I've been blessed with the gift of giving knowledge and creating peace within the souls of many who are starving for spiritual satisfaction. I'm no prophet, but I do believe that I am one of God's chosen spiritual leaders and sources of information on how to walk a straight path down a crooked road.

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