A Message to My Followers

I’m taking a break this week because I’ve been inundated with preparing my youngest child for his high school graduation. It’s been a challenging journey, but I’m glad we’ve made it to the finish line.

I’d like to thank each of you from reading and engaging with my blogs. Your attention to my content is much appreciated. I hope I’ve helped you to overcome some obstacles in your life and become a better person, while keeping you entertained as well.


I want you to remember the lessons discussed in the previous weeks and apply them to your life, so I will provide a brief recap of a few of the hot topics.

Don’t Limit Yourself with your tongue, bad habits, distractions, and by making excuses. You don’t have to be a giant to reach for the stars. You just need faith, willpower, and commitment.

Don’t Lose Yourself Trying to Find Yourself. Seek help from a professional and comfort and support from trusted family members and friends. Otherwise, your coping mechanism will become a lifestyle that can destroy you.

Learn To Be Happy In That Moment or live with grief and regret. Practice changing your thoughts and making yourself happy. Doses of happiness can lead to a lifetime of joy and peace.

A Real Friend Is Good To Have when you find yourself losing yourself trying to cope with any type of grief. Don’t be afraid to let someone in. Emotional exhaustion is a “human” experience.

Fake Friends Can Be A Real Problem because they are toxic, and toxins are known to destroy the body. A fake friend is nothing more than a parasite eating away at your life. If you value your mind, body, and spirit, detoxify your circle immediately.

Self Correction Is The Best Remedy For Change because no one can control your demons but you. Rebuke the evil spirit that lives within you so you can become a better version of yourself.

Your Best Look Is Maturity because ignorance is not fashionable. Like it or not, you are judged by how you react, not what you react to.

Kill Them With Confidence because your self-worth, dignity, reputation, and peace hold more value than someone’s worthless opinion.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

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Don’t Limit Yourself

Can you imagine living in a world of your own with no limits? It would be like having a season pass to your favorite theme park. No one can deny you entry, and you can go whenever you want to during park hours. You basically paid a one-time fee to ride or splash as much as you want! If your current lifestyle doesn’t allow you to splurge, then you just might be living within limits. I may have a resolution for you.

The key elements contributing to your marginal lifestyle may be one of the following:


You, yes, you can limit yourself with your tongue and inertia. The tongue is the most powerful part of your body because it sends messages to your brain, be it positive or negative. Therefore, if you are speaking negatively over your life, your brain will respond accordingly. Try repeating positive affirmations to trigger more positive thoughts. Replace the words “can’t and won’t” with “can and will”. This small change in your vocabulary can help tap into strengths you didn’t know you had.

Once you’ve trained your brain to start thinking positively, you must begin to act on what you speak about. You can repeat positive affirmations day and night, but unless you take action, nothing will happen or change. You can’t expect your ideas to materialize without breaking the curse of inertia. This can mean making changes in your behavior, routine, or environment.


Many of you are stagnant because the lack of time. Surely, we only get 24 hours in a day, but if you use this time wisely, you can take steps toward achieving important goals. Eight hours to work, sleep, and play? Yeah right! If this were true, we’d all get plenty of our personal work done without cutting into our sleep time. As for play time, exactly when does that happen for the average full-time employee or mom? Never! Thus, you must take advantage of every break or downtime you have in your days.

I understand some careers are more demanding than others, but no one is working all the time. You may have some longer days than usual when you really don’t get many breaks or much downtime, but eventually you do get some time to yourself. If you don’t, you must learn to make some time for yourself. Everyone needs that. Nevertheless, the only way you can make changes in your life is by sacrificing some time. You may have to sacrifice some lunch breaks, social media, tv time or even family time, and miss a few parties or events. The key word here is “sacrifice”.

At a previous job of mine, I could not seem to find a way to prepare for a certification I wanted to obtain because the internet had too many restrictions, and I sat in an open cubicle. Therefore, I started bringing my iPad. I would eat my lunch and cover as much material as I could within that time frame. Then, I tried to cover some in the office by reading the transcript instead using the audio feature, but the connection kept failing or running too slow. Between using my lunch breaks, some short breaks, and allotting some time in the evening, I just didn’t seem to be getting close enough to my goal. A year had passed since I purchased the program, and I was struggling to finish. It’s a good thing I was able to move at my own pace.

After finally completing the course, I took the first practice exam and failed terribly. I had forgotten much of what I had learned! So I did some more studying and attempted a few more times, and I still failed. I thought to myself, “There’s gotta be another way”. I needed a way to study on the clock during downtime. My solution was to use my cell phone. It was small and easy to conceal or put away quickly in case my supervisor walked up. I started studying my practice exam every day I had a chance to, and my score kept going up! Guess what happened eventually? You guessed it…I starting receiving a passing score consistently! After a couple of weeks of preparation, I took the test and passed!

I wasn’t happy at the job. I didn’t like the idea of being watched and controlled. I felt like I was limiting myself, so I did something about it. Complaining surely wasn’t getting me anywhere. But my certification did.

On another note, if much of your time is consumed talking on the phone, schedule appointments for important calls and designate a “talk time” that’s convenient for your leisure calls. For example, my talk time is in route to or from work, usually from work. This tends to work for me.


In order to break some barriers, it will cost you. Most educational or vocational training programs incur fees that must be paid in order to enter. If you can get free assistance through government funding or some other source, that’s great, but there are no guarantees. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t let fees discourage you. Where there’s a will, there’s always a way.

Think about a time you wanted something so badly in life, but you weren’t sure how you were going to finance it. It could have been your dream wedding or vacation, a new car or house, or some new furniture. You found a way to make it happen.

Other things that can cost money include investment opportunities, starting a business, expanding a business, acquiring real estate, etc. As long as you make it your priority or goal combined with sacrifice, the money will come with your efforts.


Believe it or not, this can be one of the biggest hindrances. Why? Because people can consume so much of your time. This is okay as long as you are working toward a goal together or sharpening each other. But the wrong people can consume a large fraction of your time and interrupt your progress with negative energy. Negative people will not support your ideas or contribute to your growth. However, how much time you spend with anyone other than your immediate family should have its limits.

Caveat: Negative people are not always boisterous and hostile. They can silently show lack of support by constantly trying to pull you in the wrong direction. For example, if you say you need to study for an exam, they’ll still try to get you to hang out with them.


Don’t get in the way of your own success with your tongue.

Make more time for your goals and less time for play.

Don’t let money scare you. Let it prepare you.

People can be a distraction. Purge as necessary.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear them.

Submit topic suggestions using the “Contact Me” page.

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The World Owes You Nothing, But You Owe Yourself The World

As long as you are breathing, you will face problems on Earth. But you must understand that you are not the only one with problems. The lower class have a hard time keeping bread on the table. The middle class have a hard time keeping bread in their accounts. The upper class have a problem with sharing their bread. Now while this may not apply to every individual from each class, it does apply to many oftentimes.

What does this have to do with me?

Everything. When you hit a brick wall with your finances, you tend to single yourself out as if it has only happened to you. You get in your feelings and begin playing the “blame game” so people can feel sorry for you and offer aid. But you tend to leave out how you brought much of your stress and frustration on yourself in some instances. People from all walks of life do have problems of their own. They’re just not airing it on social media or bogging you down with it. And it’s because they understand that they are not exempt from encountering problems. It doesn’t mean they are not affected by them either. They just deal with them accordingly so they don’t worsen. When you realize that each day has enough trouble of its own, you learn not to spend too much time on present-day problems. Like laundry, if you let problems pile up, the load will only get heavier. Lighten your load before you explode!

So how do I give myself the world?

By protecting your peace. More money won’t bring you peace. A new body won’t bring you peace. A new car or home won’t bring you peace. A new job or career won’t bring you peace. A new mate won’t bring you peace either. You get my drift? You’re responsible for your own peace and how you obtain that is by learning to effectively manage the problems in your life. You can face a problem in ANY aspect of life, and that problem will welcome unwanted stress if you let it.

“Stress kills and joy fills.” (I’m G.O.O.D. Getting Over Obstacles Daily, Vol. 1)

“Peace and joy are priceless because they secure happiness. Though they may seem elusive at dark times, they deserve the energy burned trying to obtain them. Your sanity is worth it. Otherwise, you’ll lose yourself in a battle that can leave you scarred for life.” (I’m Still G.O.O.D. Getting Over Obstacles Daily, Vol. 2)

Turn your problems into solutions and your pity into a purpose. Then you can enjoy a world full of peace 😊.

Don’t be selfish. Share this with your family and friends!

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