What Makes You Unique? (In Southern Vernacular)

What makes you unique?

Cuz yo eyebrows on fleek?

Yo face is always beat?

Yo press can stand the heat?

What makes you unique?

I’m eager to know.

Is it the way yo skin glow?

Is it how yo hair grow?

Is it yo gorgeous afro?

That don’t lose shape when the wind blow?

What makes you unique?

Might I ask you again?

I’m trying to get answers.

Not beauty tips, my friend.

Could your walk be so superior?

It intimidates your peers?

Could your talent be so rare?

Some friends won’t even cheer?

Could your hustle be so genius?

It’s hard to replicate?

Could your marriage be so perfect?

People start to hate?

What about your attitude, poise, and individuality?

Your purpose, your position, and your personality?

How you alienate yourself,

But stay in touch with reality.

How you nurture your spirit,

And face every casualty.

So if you haven’t yet discovered,

What makes you unique,

Pull back your cosmetic cover,

And then you will see.

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Is Simple Beauty Still Sexy?

I recently watched an episode of “In Living Color” in which En Vogue were guests on the show. Those women were simply beautiful with light make up and real hair; not to mention Pam Grier (Foxy Brown), Lena Horne, Dorothy Dandridge, Ruby Dee, Cecily Tyson and so many others who wore beauty so well in their time without the cosmetic boost kit we see in today’s celebrities and everyday woman.

I don’t think make up and fake hair debase women at all, but I do think heavy make-up should be reserved for special occasions like weddings, balls, galas, fashion shows, and the like. What woman doesn’t want to feel beautiful? Many of us have our days when we feel “unpretty” or just plain Jane. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with spicing up your look every now and then. Men admire women who take pride in their appearance.

Ladies, I don’t care what color or race you are. You are so darn beautiful because you are a woman, one of God’s greatest creations. If you wear heavy makeup often because you feel “plain” without it, you really don’t know true beauty. Man made makeup, not God. It’s called “makeup” because it is designed to produce a look that’s different from the natural being.

Instead of piling on a bunch of makeup every day, practice good skin care and healthy eating, combined with drinking plenty of water. Too much of anything is not good for you, and too much makeup wear will have you depending on it to achieve good looks. If you have to wear it, lighten up and try making it look more natural, for it was also designed to enhance your beauty.

I know some of you ladies just love playing in makeup, so does my daughter. Some of you work in industries that might require it, like fashion and cosmetology. Some of you are just not satisfied with your natural look. If so, I’m here to tell you that makeup can’t make you look good because you look better without it.

My sisters, I’m admiring the natural styles I’m seeing. I must say, I’m truly inspired. I’ve never seen a more beautiful work of art. Whether you are natural or relaxed, you wear it best with little or no makeup and your own hair.

Hair weaves and extensions are great for protective hairstyles, while you are in transition, or when you just need a break from the struggle, but if you just don’t like your hair, you are not embracing your natural beauty. It was not meant for everyone to have fine, limp hair also known as “good hair”. Your hair is as good as your looks, so take that stuff out of your head and show them what you’ve got!

The nappier the hair the stronger. The less chemicals the longer. Covering it up causes breakage. Let it breathe, or it’ll go naked. Lock it up, twist it up, braid it up or wear it in a bun. Nappy hair might be hard to manage, but it’s a whole lot of fun!

Keep it simple. Keep it lovely. Keep it natural, ya know. Let that beauty shine so bright that your skin starts to glow.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

Photo: Flickr. Pam Grier by Ian W. HillCC

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